O! what Man will do fore a Rime!

Self-proclaimed bibliophile, culture nut and nerdfighter. English lit. and linguistics geek. Future career in publishing.

White Teeth by Zadie Smith

White Teeth - Zadie Smith

Note: The review below was taken directly from my Goodreads account.


I think this is my favourite Zadie Smith novel. She has a wonderful way with words and I love the themes she's always tackling. In this one, she looks at immigrants: the difficulties being a PoC in a white-dominated society, especially one that colonized the countries of these PoC; the discrepancies between first-generation and second-generation immigrants; the pressures that come with being a part of immigrant families, like expectations and the visions that your parents have of you. Aside from that, Smith also looks at teenage life versus middle-age life, the histories that tie us down and our inability to really shake off our roots. And through all of this, Smith is able to keep her trademark wit and humour.

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